Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Walk Around My Yard

Yesterday I took a walk around my yard to see if the frost had killed any of my flowers. Thankfully none had been hurt so I was able to get some shots of them before they are gone for the season.

Last month, I noticed blooms on one of my strawberry plants. As you can see, as of yesterday, October 23, it is still blooming. Sorry that it turned. Not sure how to correct the problem.

I planted annual flowers late this year due to all the rain in late spring and early summer. Those annuals are just now blooming to their full extent. The marigolds are doing their best to imitate mums.


I did not realize how tall Cosmos grows so next year Cosmos plants will be moved toward the back of the bed nearer the house. I love the tall airy plants and the colors are awesome.

The smaller bloom asters are the perfect filler for plant beds and for bouquets.


This pretty pink rose came with our house. The past 2 years the blooms have been small, so I thought it was a miniature-type bush, but this fall the blooms have nearly doubled in size. Maybe I'm getting the soil built back up. The previous owners had laid black plastic mulch to keep the weeds out. Not sure how long the black plastic had been in place. Now if I can only get the other 3 roses in the surrounding area to bloom like this one.


This past spring, I widened my walkway because the flowers and plants tend to lean across the walkway. Good thing I doubled the width. It seems the marigolds and mums are leaning again.

This past spring, I cut back this vine to the top of each post so the supporting framework on the top could be replaced. It seems to have grown back fairly well. Next year I will train more of the vine to cover the far end better.

This is what happens when you allow a spring lettuce plant to go to seed. I also have one lettuce plant that regenerated and is about a foot tall. Guess we'll be having a few salads before winter hits, unless I can figure a way to cover these plants without covering the strawberries. Too bad the lettuce isn't closer to the blooming strawberry plant.

This outline of a bird in flight resides on our back door. It appeared shortly after I cleaned the door so that more light can get inside to my tropical plants. It seems I should have left it dirty since I fear this impact may have shortened the life of this small bird.

I am hoping to keep these beauties from freezing so that we can have fresh strawberries in November. We shall see how that works out.

Thanks for joining me on my walk around my yard. God bless all of you who have visited today.

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